HotPDF component text out sample generates font and character set demonstration, as shown in the image above.
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program TextOut; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Graphics, Classes, Windows, HPDFDoc; var HotPDF: THotPDF; OutlineRoot: THPDFDocOutlineObject; CurrnetOutline: THPDFDocOutlineObject; procedure ShowFontGroup ( FontGroup: AnsiString; Position: Integer ); begin HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont( FontGroup, [], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( Position, 60, 0, FontGroup ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont( FontGroup, [fsBold], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( Position, 80, 1, FontGroup+'-Bold' ); // Show font with positive rotation HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont( FontGroup, [fsItalic], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( Position, 100, -1, FontGroup+'-Italic' ); // Show font with negative rotation HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont( FontGroup, [fsBold, fsItalic], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( Position, 120, 0, FontGroup+'-Bold-Italic' ); end; procedure ShowCharset ( FontCharset: TFontCharset; First, Last: Integer; Y1, Y2: Integer ); var i: Integer; CSName: AnsiString; begin // case FontCharset of ARABIC_CHARSET: CSName := 'ARABIC_CHARSET'; EASTEUROPE_CHARSET: CSName := 'EASTEUROPE_CHARSET'; OEM_CHARSET: CSName := 'OEM_CHARSET'; RUSSIAN_CHARSET: CSName := 'RUSSIAN_CHARSET'; TURKISH_CHARSET: CSName := 'TURKISH_CHARSET'; end; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont( 'Arial', [fsBold, fsItalic], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut ( 50, Y1, 0, CSName + ' example: '); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont( 'Arial', [], 14, FontCharset ); for I := First to Last do begin HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 30 + (I mod 25) * 22, Y2 + (I div 25) * 17, 0 , AnsiChar(chr(I)) ); //Show a sequence of characters in the computed position. end; end; procedure ShowTable ( X, Y: Integer); begin HotPDF.CurrentPage.Rectangle(X, Y, 300, 50); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; HotPDF.CurrentPage.Rectangle(X, Y + 50, 300, 50); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; HotPDF.CurrentPage.MoveTo( X + 130, Y ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.LineTo( X + 130, Y + 100 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; end; begin HotPDF:= THotPDF.Create(nil); try HotPDF.AutoLaunch := true; HotPDF.NotEmbeddedFonts.Add('Arial'); HotPDF.StandardFontEmulation := true; HotPDF.FileName := 'TextOut.pdf'; HotPDF.PageLayout := plOneColumn; HotPDF.BeginDoc( true ); OutlineRoot := HotPDF.OutlineRoot; //--------------------------- Show fonts --------------------------// HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsBold, fsUnderline], 20); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 195, 20, 0, 'Show Fonts' ); OutlineRoot.AddChild( 'Show Fonts', 180, 20 ); // Add Outline block linked to 180, 20 in current page ShowFontGroup( 'Arial', 50 ); ShowFontGroup( 'Times New Roman', 180 ); ShowFontGroup( 'Courier New', 350 ); //--------------------------- Charsets --------------------------// HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsBold, fsUnderline], 20); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 200, 160, 0, 'Charsets' ); CurrnetOutline := OutlineRoot.AddChild( 'Charsets', 250, 170 ); CurrnetOutline.Opened := true; CurrnetOutline.AddChild( 'ARABIC_CHARSET', 210, 110 ); ShowCharset ( ARABIC_CHARSET, 160, 250, 210, 110 ); CurrnetOutline.AddChild( 'EASTEUROPE_CHARSET', 320, 220 ); ShowCharset ( EASTEUROPE_CHARSET, 160, 250, 320, 220 ); CurrnetOutline.AddChild( 'OEM_CHARSET', 430, 330 ); ShowCharset ( OEM_CHARSET, 160, 250, 430, 330 ); CurrnetOutline.AddChild( 'RUSSIAN_CHARSET', 540, 440 ); ShowCharset ( RUSSIAN_CHARSET, 160, 250, 540, 440 ); CurrnetOutline.AddChild( 'TURKISH_CHARSET', 650, 550 ); ShowCharset ( TURKISH_CHARSET, 160, 250, 650, 550 ); HotPDF.AddPage; //--------------------------- Text Scaling --------------------------// HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsBold, fsUnderline], 20); OutlineRoot.AddChild( 'Text Scaling', 200, 30 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 180, 30, 0, 'Horizontal text scaling' ); ShowTable(130, 70); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Times New Roman', [], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 160, 90, 0, 'default 100' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 165, 135, 0, 'set to 50' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Times New Roman', [], 24); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 280, 85, 0, 'Word' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetHorizontalScaling( 50 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 285, 130, 0, 'Word' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetHorizontalScaling( 100 ); //--------------------------- Character Spacing --------------------------// HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsBold, fsUnderline], 20); OutlineRoot.AddChild( 'Character Spacing', 200, 190 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 200, 190, 0, 'Character Spacing' ); ShowTable(130, 230); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Times New Roman', [], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 162, 250, 0, 'default 0' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 162, 298, 0, 'set space 5' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Times New Roman', [], 24); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 278, 243, 0, 'Character' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetCharacterSpacing( 5 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 278, 290, 0, 'Character' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetCharacterSpacing( 0 ); //--------------------------- Word Spacing --------------------------// HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsBold, fsUnderline], 20); OutlineRoot.AddChild( 'Word Spacing', 200, 350 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 200, 350, 0, 'Word Spacing' ); ShowTable(130, 390); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Times New Roman', [], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 162, 410, 0, 'default 0' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 162, 460, 0, 'set space 10' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Times New Roman', [], 24); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 280, 400, 0, 'Word Space' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetWordSpacing( 10 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 280, 450, 0, 'Word Space' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetWordSpacing( 0 ); //--------------------------- Rendering modes --------------------------// HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsBold, fsUnderline], 20); OutlineRoot.AddChild( 'Rendering Modes', 200, 520 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 200, 520, 0, 'Rendering Modes' ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Rectangle( 50, 560, 500, 150 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; HotPDF.CurrentPage.MoveTo( 175, 560 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.LineTo( 175, 710 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; HotPDF.CurrentPage.MoveTo( 300, 560 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.LineTo( 300, 710 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; HotPDF.CurrentPage.MoveTo( 425, 560 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.LineTo( 425, 710 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; HotPDF.CurrentPage.MoveTo( 50, 625 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.LineTo( 550, 625 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 100, 580, 0, 'Fill'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 215, 580, 0, 'Stroke'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 320, 580, 0, 'Fill Stroke'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 465, 580, 0, 'Invisible'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsBold], 72); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBStrokeColor ( clRed ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBFillColor ( clYellow ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetTextRenderingMode( trFill ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 90, 630, 0, 'P'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetTextRenderingMode( trStroke ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 215, 630, 0, 'D'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetTextRenderingMode( trFillThenStroke ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 340, 630, 0, 'F'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetTextRenderingMode( trInvisible ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( 475, 630, 0, 'X'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetTextRenderingMode( trFillThenStroke ); HotPDF.EndDoc; finally HotPDF.Free; end; end. |
Hello world from Delphi HotPDF Component!
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program HelloWorld; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Vcl.Graphics, Classes, HPDFDoc; var HotPDF: THotPDF; Titles: TStrings; Title: String; Window: HWND; begin // Close destination PDF file if opened in Adobe or Fixit PDF readers & editors. Titles := TStringList.Create; Titles.CommaText := '"HelloWorld.pdf", "HelloWorld.pdf - Foxit Reader", "HelloWorld.pdf - Foxit PhantomPDF"'; for Title in Titles do begin Window := FindWindow(Nil, PChar(Title)); while Window <> 0 do begin postmessage(Window, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); Window := FindWindowEx(0, Window, Nil, PChar(Title)); end; end; Titles.Free; // Create HelloWorld.pdf and write something HotPDF:= THotPDF.Create(nil); try HotPDF.AutoLaunch := true; HotPDF.FileName := 'HelloWorld.pdf'; HotPDF.BeginDoc; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial Unicode MS', [], 12, 0, False); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(80, 50, 0, 'Hello, Delphi PDF world!'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(80, 70, 0, 'Hola, mundo Delphi PDF!'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(80, 90, 0, 'Hallo, Delphi PDF Welt!'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(80, 110, 0, 'Bonjour, monde PDF Delphi!'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(80, 130, 0, 'Ciao, mondo Delphi PDF!'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut(80, 150, 0, 'Olá, mundo Delphi PDF!'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut(80, 170, 0, 'Здравствуйте, Delphi PDF мир!'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut(80, 190, 0, 'こんにちは、Delphi PDFの世界!'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut(80, 210, 0, 'Merhaba, Delphi PDF dünyası!'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut(80, 230, 0, '你好,Delphi PDF世界'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Malgun Gothic Semilight', [], 12, 0, False); // Set font for Korean text displaying HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut(80, 250, 0, '여보세요, Delphi PDF 세계!'); HotPDF.EndDoc; finally HotPDF.Free; end; end. |