DigiSigner – Electronic Signature Service for Your Business DigiSigner is a FREE service that allows you to upload a document, add a signature, and download the updated document electronically, you can use it to signature PDF, Word, Excel Spreadsheet, or Jpeg images. How It Works Upload Choose a document and upload it over a secure connection […]
Universal Office Converter (unoconv) is an open-source command-line tool to convert any document format that LibreOffice can import to any document format that LibreOffice can export. It makes use of the LibreOffice’s UNO bindings for non-interactive conversion of documents. The project has no Windows package download, We build a native Windows exe and bundled LibreOffice […]
This example shows you how to programmatically New and Free a HotPDF object instance with C++Builder.
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#include #pragma hdrstop #include "Unit1.h" #pragma package(smart_init) #pragma link "HPDFDoc" #pragma resource "*.dfm" TForm1 *Form1; __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { } void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { THotPDF* HotPDF1 = new THotPDF(this); HotPDF1->FileName = "HelloWorld.pdf"; HotPDF1->AutoLaunch = true; HotPDF1->BeginDoc(false); HotPDF1->CurrentPage->PrintText( 10, 10, 0, "Hello World!" ); HotPDF1->EndDoc(); HotPDF1->Free(); } |
You need to set the include & library path of the project to the directory where HotPDF library files exist.
This HotPDF Component Sample draw plots with Delphi TCanvas.
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program CanvasDraw; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses {$IFDEF VER230} System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, {$ELSE} SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, {$ENDIF} HPDFDoc; var I, Y: Integer; HotPDF: THotPDF; begin HotPDF:= THotPDF.Create(nil); try Randomize; HotPDF.AutoLaunch := true; HotPDF.FileName := 'CanvasDraw.pdf'; HotPDF.BeginDoc; // Create PDF file HotPDF.Canvas.Font.Size := 14; // Set canvas font size I :=20; Y := 60; HotPDF.Canvas.TextOut(10, 30, 'Canvas Rectangles'); // Print text while I <= 700 do begin // Draw colour HotPDF.Canvas.Brush.Color := random($FFFFFF); // rectangles HotPDF.Canvas.Rectangle(I, Y, I+90, Y + 160); Inc(I, 30); Inc( Y, 3 ); end; I :=20; Y := 350; HotPDF.Canvas.TextOut(10, 320, 'Canvas Ellipses'); // Print text while I <= 700 do // Draw colour begin // ellipses HotPDF.Canvas.Brush.Color := random($FFFFFF); HotPDF.Canvas.Ellipse(I, Y, I+90, Y + 160); Inc(I, 30); Inc( Y, 3 ); end; I :=20; Y := 680; HotPDF.Canvas.TextOut(10, 650, 'Canvas RoundRects'); // Print text while I <= 700 do begin HotPDF.Canvas.Brush.Color := random($FFFFFF); // Draw colour HotPDF.Canvas.RoundRect(I, Y, I+90, Y + 160, 20, 20); // roundrects Inc(I, 30); Inc( Y, 3 ); end; HotPDF.EndDoc; // Close PDF file finally HotPDF.Free; end; end. |
HotPDF Component Database Table To PDF sample
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program TableDemo; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} { Reduce EXE size by disabling as much of RTTI as possible } {$IFDEF VER210} {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} {$ENDIF} uses {$IFDEF VER230}System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Graphics, DB, DBTables, {$ELSE} Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, DB, DBTables, {$ENDIF} HPDFDoc; var HotPDF: THotPDF; PageNum, VertPos: Integer; CustomerTable: TTable; Back: boolean; procedure PrintRow(Position: Integer; No, Company, Addr, City: AnsiString; ShowBackground: boolean); begin if ShowBackground then begin HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBColor($FFF3DD); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Rectangle(50, Position, 520, 20); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Fill; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBColor(clBlack); end; HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(70, Position, 0, No); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(110, Position, 0, Company); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(300, Position, 0, Addr); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(480, Position, 0, City); end; procedure PreparePage; begin HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsItalic], 10); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(50, VertPos, 0, 'customer.db' + ' Page' + AnsiString(IntToStr(PageNum))); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(480, VertPos, 0, AnsiString(DateTimeToStr(Now))); HotPDF.CurrentPage.MoveTo(50, VertPos + 15); HotPDF.CurrentPage.LineTo(570, VertPos + 15); HotPDF.CurrentPage.MoveTo(50, VertPos + 45); HotPDF.CurrentPage.LineTo(570, VertPos + 45); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Times New Roman', [fsItalic, fsBold], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBFillColor(clNavy); PrintRow(VertPos + 25, 'No', 'Company', 'Addr', 'City', false); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBFillColor(clBlack); Inc(VertPos, 20); end; begin CustomerTable := TTable.Create(nil); try CustomerTable.DatabaseName := 'DBDEMOS'; CustomerTable.TableName := GetCurrentDir + '\customer.db'; CustomerTable.Active := true; CustomerTable.First; HotPDF := THotPDF.Create(nil); try HotPDF.AutoLaunch := true; HotPDF.FileName := 'TableDemo.pdf'; HotPDF.PageLayout := plOneColumn; HotPDF.BeginDoc; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsBold], 24); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(200, 20, 0, 'Customer report'); // Print PDF header PageNum := 1; VertPos := 60; PreparePage; // Table header Back := true; while (not(CustomerTable.Eof)) do begin Back := not(Back); if (VertPos > 700) then // If end of page then begin HotPDF.AddPage; // Add page, draw and print Inc(PageNum); // table header and set VertPos := 60; // new print position PreparePage; end; PrintRow(VertPos + 25, // print row from the current position AnsiString(CustomerTable.FieldValues['CustNo']), AnsiString(CustomerTable.FieldValues['Company']), AnsiString(CustomerTable.FieldValues['Addr1']), AnsiString(CustomerTable.FieldValues['City']), Back); Inc(VertPos, 20); CustomerTable.Next; end; HotPDF.EndDoc; finally HotPDF.Free; end; finally CustomerTable.Free; end; end. |
This HotPDF Component example show charts in PDF document using TeeChart.
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unit ChartUnit; interface uses {$IF CompilerVersion >= 16} Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, VclTee.TeeGDIPlus, VclTee.TeEngine, VclTee.Series, VclTee.TeeProcs, VclTee.Chart, {$ELSE}Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, TeEngine, Series, TeeProcs, Chart, {$ENDIF} HPDFDoc; type TForm1 = class(TForm) RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup; DemoChart: TChart; BarSeries1: TBarSeries; BarSeries2: TBarSeries; BarSeries3: TBarSeries; Panel1: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; RadioGroup2: TRadioGroup; ComboBox1: TComboBox; Button1: TButton; procedure RadioGroup1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure RadioGroup2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.RadioGroup1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Case RadioGroup1.ItemIndex of 0: BarSeries1.MultiBar:=mbNone; 1: BarSeries1.MultiBar:=mbSide; 2: BarSeries1.MultiBar:=mbStacked; 3: BarSeries1.MultiBar:=mbStacked100; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var H: Integer; begin DemoChart.View3D:=False; Randomize; {$IFDEF VER220} with BarSeries1 do for H:=1 to 12 do Add( Random(100),FormatSettings.ShortMonthNames[H],clTeeColor); with BarSeries2 do for H:=1 to 12 do Add( Random(100),FormatSettings.ShortMonthNames[H],clTeeColor); with BarSeries3 do for H:=1 to 12 do Add( Random(100),FormatSettings.ShortMonthNames[H],clTeeColor); {$ELSE} with BarSeries1 do for H:=1 to 12 do Add( Random(100),ShortMonthNames[H],clTeeColor); with BarSeries2 do for H:=1 to 12 do Add( Random(100),ShortMonthNames[H],clTeeColor); with BarSeries3 do for H:=1 to 12 do Add( Random(100),ShortMonthNames[H],clTeeColor); {$ENDIF} ComboBox1.Items.Clear; for H:=0 to DemoChart.SeriesCount-1 do ComboBox1.Items.Add(DemoChart.Series[H].Name); ComboBox1.ItemIndex:=0; end; procedure TForm1.RadioGroup2Click(Sender: TObject); begin With DemoChart.Series[ComboBox1.ItemIndex] as TBarSeries do BarStyle:=TBarStyle(RadioGroup2.Itemindex); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var HotPDF: THotPDF; ChartRect: TRect; begin HotPDF := THotPDF.Create(nil); try case RadioGroup1.ItemIndex of 0: HotPDF.FileName := 'PDFChart-Behind.pdf'; 1: HotPDF.FileName := 'PDFChart-SideToSide.pdf'; 2: HotPDF.FileName := 'PDFChart-Stacked.pdf'; 3: HotPDF.FileName := 'PDFChart-Stacked100.pdf'; end; HotPDF.BeginDoc; ChartRect.Left := 0; ChartRect.Right := 800; ChartRect.Top := 0; ChartRect.Bottom := 600; DemoChart.PrintPartialCanvas( HotPDF.CurrentPage.Canvas, ChartRect ); HotPDF.EndDoc; finally HotPDF.Free; end; end; end. |
This HotPDF Component example generates barcode within PDF for 22 popular types.
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program Barcodes; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses {$IFDEF VER230} System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Graphics, {$ELSE} Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, {$ENDIF} HPDFDoc; var I, H: Integer; HotPDF: THotPDF; const Names: array[0..21] of string = ( 'Code 25 Interleaved', 'Code 25 Industrial', 'Code 25 Matrix', 'Code39', 'Code39 Extended', 'Code128A', 'Code128B', 'Code128C', 'Code93', 'Code93 Extended', 'MSI', 'PostNet', 'Codebar', 'EAN8', 'EAN13', 'UPC_A', 'UPC_E0', 'UPC_E1', 'UPC Supp2', 'UPC Supp5', 'EAN128A', 'EAN128B' ); begin HotPDF:= THotPDF.Create(nil); try HotPDF.AutoLaunch := true; HotPDF.FileName := 'Barcodes.pdf'; HotPDF.BeginDoc; for I := 0 to 7 do begin for H := 0 to 2 do begin if ((I * 3) + H) > 21 then Break; HotPDF.CurrentPage.DrawBarcode( THPDFBarcodeType((I * 3) + H), // Draw Black barcode H * 266 + 67, I * 133 + 69, // on the white background 50, 1, 0, '12345', true, 0, clWhite ); // Draw 12345 HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut( H * 200 + 50, I * 100 + 35, 0, Names[(I * 3) + H] ); // Print barcode name end; end; HotPDF.EndDoc; finally HotPDF.Free; end; end. |
This HotPDF Component Sample adds clickable hyperlinks into PDF document.
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unit Main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, StdCtrls, Forms, Dialogs, HPDFDoc; type TForm1 = class(TForm) HotPDF: THotPDF; HelloWorldButton: TButton; edtWeb: TEdit; edtProduct: TEdit; edtOrder: TEdit; edtContact: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; procedure HelloWorldButtonClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.HelloWorldButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin HotPDF.BeginDoc; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont( 'Microsoft Sans Serif', [], 13 ); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(20,30,0,'Clickable links:'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.PrintHyperlink(20, 60, 'Company site: ' + edtWeb.Text, edtWeb.Text); HotPDF.CurrentPage.PrintHyperlink(20, 80, 'Product page: ' + edtProduct.Text, edtProduct.Text); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBHyperlinkColor(clRed); HotPDF.CurrentPage.PrintHyperlink(20, 100, 'Purchase link: ' + edtOrder.Text, edtOrder.Text); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBHyperlinkColor(clBlue); HotPDF.CurrentPage.PrintHyperlink(20, 120, 'Contact form: ' + edtContact.Text, edtContact.Text); HotPDF.EndDoc; end; end. |
This HotPDF Component sample adds a text annotation at the specified location of the PDF document.
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program Annotation; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses {$IFDEF VER230} System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Graphics, {$ELSE} Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, {$ENDIF} HPDFDoc; var HotPDF: THotPDF; begin HotPDF := THotPDF.Create(nil); try HotPDF.FileName := 'Annotation.pdf'; HotPDF.BeginDoc; HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(120,65,0,'Click the icon:'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.AddTextAnnotation( 'This is a text annotation.' + #13#10 + 'Dies ist eine Textanmerkung.' + #13#10 + 'Ceci est une annotation textuelle.' + #13#10, Rect(120, 80, 140, 100), true, taComment, clBlue ); HotPDF.EndDoc; finally HotPDF.Free; end; end. |
This example demonstrates how the HotPDF component generates Unicode vertical text.
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unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, HPDFDoc; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; HotPDF: THotPDF; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} // Delphi 7 cannot display Unicode characters correctly. // You need Delphi 2007 or above to open this file. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin HotPDF.BeginDoc; HotPDF.FileName := 'VerticalText.pdf'; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial Unicode MS', [], 12, 0, False); //Set horizontal text HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 30, 10, 0, 'Horizontal Text Горизонтальный текст 横書き'); //Print horizontal text HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial Unicode MS', [], 12, 0, True); //Set vertical text HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 30, 40, 0, 'Vertical Text'); //Print vertical text HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 70, 40, 0, 'Texto vertical'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 110, 40, 0, 'Vertikaler Text'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 150, 40, 0, 'Texte vertical'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 190, 40, 0, 'Вертикальный текст'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 230, 40, 0, 'Testo verticale'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 270, 40, 0, '垂直文本'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 310, 40, 0, '縦書きテキスト'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 350, 40, 0, 'Verticale tekst'); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Malgun Gothic Semilight', [], 12, 0, True); //Set Korean Font HotPDF.CurrentPage.UnicodeTextOut( 390, 40, 0, '한국어 텍스트'); HotPDF.EndDoc; end; end. |