HotPDF Component Database Table To PDF sample
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program TableDemo; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} { Reduce EXE size by disabling as much of RTTI as possible } {$IFDEF VER210} {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} {$ENDIF} uses {$IFDEF VER230}System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Graphics, DB, DBTables, {$ELSE} Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, DB, DBTables, {$ENDIF} HPDFDoc; var HotPDF: THotPDF; PageNum, VertPos: Integer; CustomerTable: TTable; Back: boolean; procedure PrintRow(Position: Integer; No, Company, Addr, City: AnsiString; ShowBackground: boolean); begin if ShowBackground then begin HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBColor($FFF3DD); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Rectangle(50, Position, 520, 20); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Fill; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBColor(clBlack); end; HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(70, Position, 0, No); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(110, Position, 0, Company); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(300, Position, 0, Addr); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(480, Position, 0, City); end; procedure PreparePage; begin HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsItalic], 10); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(50, VertPos, 0, 'customer.db' + ' Page' + AnsiString(IntToStr(PageNum))); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(480, VertPos, 0, AnsiString(DateTimeToStr(Now))); HotPDF.CurrentPage.MoveTo(50, VertPos + 15); HotPDF.CurrentPage.LineTo(570, VertPos + 15); HotPDF.CurrentPage.MoveTo(50, VertPos + 45); HotPDF.CurrentPage.LineTo(570, VertPos + 45); HotPDF.CurrentPage.Stroke; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Times New Roman', [fsItalic, fsBold], 12); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBFillColor(clNavy); PrintRow(VertPos + 25, 'No', 'Company', 'Addr', 'City', false); HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetRGBFillColor(clBlack); Inc(VertPos, 20); end; begin CustomerTable := TTable.Create(nil); try CustomerTable.DatabaseName := 'DBDEMOS'; CustomerTable.TableName := GetCurrentDir + '\customer.db'; CustomerTable.Active := true; CustomerTable.First; HotPDF := THotPDF.Create(nil); try HotPDF.AutoLaunch := true; HotPDF.FileName := 'TableDemo.pdf'; HotPDF.PageLayout := plOneColumn; HotPDF.BeginDoc; HotPDF.CurrentPage.SetFont('Arial', [fsBold], 24); HotPDF.CurrentPage.TextOut(200, 20, 0, 'Customer report'); // Print PDF header PageNum := 1; VertPos := 60; PreparePage; // Table header Back := true; while (not(CustomerTable.Eof)) do begin Back := not(Back); if (VertPos > 700) then // If end of page then begin HotPDF.AddPage; // Add page, draw and print Inc(PageNum); // table header and set VertPos := 60; // new print position PreparePage; end; PrintRow(VertPos + 25, // print row from the current position AnsiString(CustomerTable.FieldValues['CustNo']), AnsiString(CustomerTable.FieldValues['Company']), AnsiString(CustomerTable.FieldValues['Addr1']), AnsiString(CustomerTable.FieldValues['City']), Back); Inc(VertPos, 20); CustomerTable.Next; end; HotPDF.EndDoc; finally HotPDF.Free; end; finally CustomerTable.Free; end; end. |