This example shows you how to programmatically New and Free a HotPDF object instance with C++Builder.
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#include #pragma hdrstop #include "Unit1.h" #pragma package(smart_init) #pragma link "HPDFDoc" #pragma resource "*.dfm" TForm1 *Form1; __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { } void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { THotPDF* HotPDF1 = new THotPDF(this); HotPDF1->FileName = "HelloWorld.pdf"; HotPDF1->AutoLaunch = true; HotPDF1->BeginDoc(false); HotPDF1->CurrentPage->PrintText( 10, 10, 0, "Hello World!" ); HotPDF1->EndDoc(); HotPDF1->Free(); } |
You need to set the include & library path of the project to the directory where HotPDF library files exist.
This HotPDF Component Sample draw plots with Delphi TCanvas.
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program CanvasDraw; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses {$IFDEF VER230} System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, {$ELSE} SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, {$ENDIF} HPDFDoc; var I, Y: Integer; HotPDF: THotPDF; begin HotPDF:= THotPDF.Create(nil); try Randomize; HotPDF.AutoLaunch := true; HotPDF.FileName := 'CanvasDraw.pdf'; HotPDF.BeginDoc; // Create PDF file HotPDF.Canvas.Font.Size := 14; // Set canvas font size I :=20; Y := 60; HotPDF.Canvas.TextOut(10, 30, 'Canvas Rectangles'); // Print text while I <= 700 do begin // Draw colour HotPDF.Canvas.Brush.Color := random($FFFFFF); // rectangles HotPDF.Canvas.Rectangle(I, Y, I+90, Y + 160); Inc(I, 30); Inc( Y, 3 ); end; I :=20; Y := 350; HotPDF.Canvas.TextOut(10, 320, 'Canvas Ellipses'); // Print text while I <= 700 do // Draw colour begin // ellipses HotPDF.Canvas.Brush.Color := random($FFFFFF); HotPDF.Canvas.Ellipse(I, Y, I+90, Y + 160); Inc(I, 30); Inc( Y, 3 ); end; I :=20; Y := 680; HotPDF.Canvas.TextOut(10, 650, 'Canvas RoundRects'); // Print text while I <= 700 do begin HotPDF.Canvas.Brush.Color := random($FFFFFF); // Draw colour HotPDF.Canvas.RoundRect(I, Y, I+90, Y + 160, 20, 20); // roundrects Inc(I, 30); Inc( Y, 3 ); end; HotPDF.EndDoc; // Close PDF file finally HotPDF.Free; end; end. |