Alcinoe Component Library by Zeus64 is an open source of visual and non-visual components library for Delphi. Full OpenGL video player, WebRTC Delphi wrapper, native ios/android TEdit, Improved firemonkey controls, Firebase cloud messaging, Android/ios facebook SDK login, Json/Bson Parser, ImageMagick wrapper, MongoDB client. Alcinoe is compatible with Delphi Rio 10.3.3 and Delphi Sydney 10.4.2 […]
During add Delphi 5 compatibility to the Purchase Order calculation sample of HotXLS Delphi Excel Spreadsheet component, an error occurred while compiling under Delphi 5. The line which set the date format of the TDateTimePicker control does not compile: [crayon-676db5cd94cb9517012327/] TDateTimePicker control of Delphi is a wrapper around a Microsoft control. It allows you to […]
[crayon-676db5cd96360821458704/] Above is a Delphi inline asm version of the ftol (Floating Point to Integer Conversion) function used by our HotPDF Delphi PDF component. When compiling above Delphi codes in the 64-bit target platform, Delphi will raise below error: [dcc64 Error] E1025 Unsupported language feature: ‘ASM’ The reason is: The 64-bit Delphi compiler DCC64 does […]
When using Delphi XE2 or above editions to compile coeds likes below: [crayon-676db5cd964f2907987347/] The compiler says: E2010 Incompatible types: ‘tagLOGBRUSH’ and ‘tagLOGBRUSH32’. The solution to fix this compiling error is: [crayon-676db5cd964f7269262187/]